The unknown parenting future
Who can tell ahead of time what the experience of parenting will be like? Technology can let you know the gender of a baby, and sometimes it can diagnose a health issue in the womb. But technology can’t tell you this individual’s personality or forecast her or his future.
People are then thrown together into a relationship that unfolds day by day and is influenced by several factors. Some factors are in the home environment, and some factors are randomly and, possibly, senselessly thrust upon a family.
So, the life in a family is uniquely yours and your children’s. Suffice it to say, that regardless of whether your child or you have an identifiable health disability, you will encounter obstacles along the way in the form of school, work, finances and extended family. Part of the human experience is to overcome challenges. It depends on how you define things that will determine how you view it. The nervous system releases the same chemicals whether you are anxious or excited. But your perception of an event will determine whether you are excited or anxious.
So, it is the same with parenting and relationships. Something that might seem like a problem could contain solutions to other things you have encountered both with your relationship with yourself and with other people.
Today a reader,tomorrow a leader!